Archive for September, 2009


All Points Bulletin

I am in desperate need of a pattern proofreader. I don’t need the pattern
tested. I simply need someone to make sure the pattern makes sense,
there are no typos, the stitch counts are correct, the gauge and stitch/row
counts are in agreement; in a nutshell, to verify that the pattern WORKS.
A thorough look through shouldn’t take more than 2-3 hours.

Please help out if you can. My regular proofreader is MIA and I have a number
of patterns in progress which need some TLC.  Please get in touch if: 1) you
are interested,  2) you have the time (at present, I will need someone beginning
10/1) and 3) you feel you are competent (and preferably experienced) to do the job.
I will respond with particulars.

Thanks so much.


Pattern of the week

Each week, for the next few weeks, I will be offering a pattern, free of charge to you, in thanks for your continued support, encouragement and patronage.

This week’s pattern, 9-23 to 9/29: Rainbow Baby Afghan

Check it out at Hookerbear Creations

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